Artist picture

Julia Rubies Subiros

Julia Rubies Subiros is a per­for­ming artist based in Brussels and kee­ping strong ties with Barcelona. A gra­du­a­te of P.A.R.T.S., Julia has col­la­bo­ra­ted with cho­re­o­grap­hers like Michiel Vandevelde, Marco d’Agostin, Georgia Vardarou and with Mette Ingvartsen in seve­r­al pro­jects. She was also a mem­ber of PARASOL I, a com­pa­ny of Tanzquartier Wien, whe­re she wor­ked with Ian Kaler and Alix Eynaudi. She was also the reci­pient of the DanceWeb Scholarship for the Impulstanz Festival in 2020 – 2021.

Julia’s own work del­ves into the con­cept of pla­ce’ and belon­ging,’ both in a con­tex­tu­al and experiential/​somatic sen­se. This explo­ra­ti­on mani­fests in various forms. In Brussels, she is invol­ved with MOTA alongsi­de Eszter Némethi and Liselore Vandeput, orga­ni­zing noma­dic con­ver­sa­ti­ons around artis­tic inqui­ries. In Barcelona, Julia foun­ded Cascades, an inter­ge­ne­ra­ti­o­nal pro­ject that invi­tes artists in the expe­ri­men­tal per­for­ming arts sce­ne to sha­re their prac­ti­ces. She recei­ved the Injuve Grant for this pro­ject in 2020. Cascades has evol­ved into a rol­ling stu­dy group that orga­ni­zes events in the city. This ini­ti­a­ti­ve has been fea­tu­red in the Hacer Historias fes­ti­val (2021) and the Sâlmon fes­ti­val (2022) at El Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona. The Sâlmon fes­ti­val 2023 – 24 is a sup­por­ting part­ner in devel­o­ping the stu­dy group’s research tra­jec­to­ry.

Additionally, Julia col­la­bo­ra­tes on other artis­tic pro­jects as a per­for­mer and col­la­bo­ra­tor, often ser­ving as an exter­nal eye or accom­pa­ni­ment. She has also enga­ged in peda­go­gi­cal acti­vi­ties at P.A.R.T.S, was an invi­ted exter­nal jury mem­ber for the stu­dents at the Antwerp Conservatory, and is a co-ini­ti­a­tor and part of a stu­dy group orga­ni­zing trai­ning for the dan­ce com­mu­ni­ty in Brussels.