Schermafbeelding 2024 06 17 om 10 53 21

Eeva Juutinen

Eeva Juutinen (Finland) is a cho­re­o­grap­her and per­for­mer who stu­died dan­ce, per­for­man­ce and cho­re­o­grap­hy in Laban (BA) and at The Place (Post-Gradute Diploma) as well as in the Research Studios in P.A.R.T.S. (PARTS Research Diploma). Her work has been shown in Belgium, Finland, France and England; and sup­por­ted by Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland and Finnish Cultural Foundation. She has been/​will be wor­king in Kunstencentrum Buda, Vitlycke Centre for Performing Arts, Chateau De Monthelon, Routa, De School Van Gaasbeek, workspa­ce­brus­sels and Zsenne artlab. 

In her work she looks for mea­ning­ful ques­ti­ons that acti­va­te the body and rela­te to the world in dif­fe­rent ways. Since the begin­ning of 2019 all her work is based on the ques­ti­on: How do we recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on through our bodies and get affec­ted by it in our bodies?. Looking at this ques­ti­on from various per­spec­ti­ves and in dif­fe­rent spa­ces and times in order to find other con­cepts and more spe­ci­fic ques­ti­ons and appro­a­ches for dif­fe­rent processes.

© Eeva Juutinen