David Weber krebs

David Weber-Krebs

David Weber-Krebs (BE/D) is an artist and a researcher based in Brussels and Ghent. He stu­died at the University of Fribourg (CH) and the Amsterdam School of the Arts (NL). David explo­res various con­texts as a basis for an expe­ri­men­tal pro­cess, which ques­ti­ons the tra­di­ti­o­nal rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween the work of art and its public.

Recent works for the­a­tre are the per­for­man­ces Tonight, Lights out! (2013), Balthazar (2015), The Guardians of Sleep (2017), The Actual Event (2020), The Death of Ivan Ilyich (2021), and The Silencing (2022). Recent works in the field of the visu­al arts are the instal­la­ti­ons Immersion (2014) and The Earthly Paradise (2017).

David is the cura­tor of the series of per­for­ma­ti­ve con­fe­ren­ces On Enclosed Spaces and the Great Outdoors (with Jeroen Peeters) in which they address this ques­ti­on: how are the arts (its ques­ti­ons, forms, research and dis­cour­ses) chal­len­ged by cli­ma­te chan­ge?

He is the ini­ti­a­tor and edi­tor of the book and then the doors ope­ned again (Onomatopee) in which 75 authors ima­gi­ne their first the­a­tre visit after the 2020 COVID-19 lock­down.

David col­la­bo­ra­tes on a regu­lar basis with dif­fe­rent artists and the­o­rists and he tea­ches at dif­fe­rent visu­al arts and per­for­man­ce aca­de­mies. He is regu­lar­ly lea­ding pro­jects and men­to­ring at dif­fe­rent visu­al arts and per­for­ming arts schools, among others, Das Graduate school, the Dutch Art Institute (DAI) and at the Performance depart­ment of KASK/​School of Arts. David is an alum­ni of THIRD!, the third cycle research group of Das Graduate school (Amsterdam).

He is affi­li­a­ted as a doc­to­ral artis­tic researcher to KASK & Conservatory / School of Arts. His research pro­ject (The Sublime in the Anthropocene, the Smallest Degree of Participation) is finan­ced by the Arts Research Fund of University College Ghent.

The work of David Weber-Krebs is pro­du­ced by Stichting Infinite Endings. Stichting Infinite Endings is based in Amsterdam (NL) and it is a Algemene Nut beo­gen­de Instelling in the Netherlands.