Schermafbeelding 2025 01 07 om 11 08 30

Cherish Menzo

Cherish Menzo (1988, Nederland) is a cho­re­o­grap­her and dan­cer, who lives in Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2013 she gra­du­a­ted from The Urban Contemporary (JMD) at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten’ in Amsterdam. 

Cherish has appe­a­red in the work of Lisbeth Gruwez (THE SEA WITHIN), Jan Martens (THE DOG DAYS ARE OVER, any attempt will end in crus­hed bodies and shat­te­red bones), Nicole Beutler (6: THE SQUARE), as well as col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with the likes of Akram Khan, Ula Sickle, Olivier Dubois and Eszter Salamon. Her powerful move­ment lan­gu­a­ge also comes into its own in her own work, which tours internationally.

In 2016, she and Nicole Geertruida made EFES, an exhaus­ting duet in which per­fec­ti­on and fal­li­bi­li­ty rai­se intri­guing ques­ti­ons about how we like to see human beings. Sorry, But I Feel Slightly Disidentified… (2018), a solo made by Benjamin Kahn for (and with input from) Cherish, was an attempt to cre­a­te a car­to­grap­hy of how we expe­rien­ce and meet the other. The see­ds for this pro­duc­ti­on were laid within the fra­me­work of Fraslab, after which an artis­tic dia­lo­gue bet­ween Cherish and Frascati Producties was ini­ti­a­ted. Hereafter, Cherish made LIVE (2018), a cross bet­ween dan­ce per­for­man­ce and pop/​rock con­cert in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with musi­cian Müşfik Can Müftüoğlu.

In 2019 Cherish wor­ked at Frascati Producties on JEZEBEL, a dan­ce per­for­man­ce inspi­red by the phe­no­me­non Video Vixen from the hip-hop clips of the 90s. Jezebel, a con­tem­po­ra­ry hip-hop honey, refu­ses to be defi­ned by others and sha­kes off her ima­ge by decon­structing and rede­fi­ning it. JEZEBEL was nomi­na­ted for the Prijs van de Nederlandse Dansdagen, Amsterdam Fringe and International Bursary Award, the BNG Bank Theaterprijs and selec­ted for both the Theaterfestival in Flanders and its Dutch coun­ter­part. Since the pre­mie­re Cherish has been wor­king with both Frascati Producties and GRIP.

In May 2022, during Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels, her newest per­for­man­ce DARKMATTER pre­mie­red, a duet in which she and Camilo Mejía Cortés, with the help of the dis­tor­ted rap choir, search for ways to detach their bodies and the dai­ly rea­li­ty in which they move from a for­ced per­cep­ti­on. In the con­text of DARKMATTER, Cherish also gives work­shops on the chop­ped & scre­wed tech­ni­que, a pro­cess from hip-hop music that Cherish applies to the moving and per­for­ming body in the per­for­man­ce. DARKMATTER was selec­ted for both the Belgian Theaterfestival and its Dutch coun­ter­part. Cherish Menzo won with DARKMATTER the BNG Bank Theater Prize (2023) and the award for best direc­ti­on (2023) from the Dutch Drama Jury.

Cherish is cur­rent­ly wor­king on FRANK (pre­mie­ring May 2025). In con­ti­nu­a­ti­on of JEZEBEL and DARKMATTER, in FRANK, dis­tor­ti­on will once again be one of the main ingre­dients to gene­ra­te mate­ri­al. In addi­ti­on, Cherish will look into the acti­on of decay and dis­co­ver how some­thing gra­du­al­ly brea­king down and get­ting less or wor­se can be ano­ther attempt to dis­tort a form or information.

In her work, Cherish main­ly looks at how the body can trans­form itself on sta­ge and phy­si­cally repre­sent dif­fe­rent ide­as. She often uses ima­ges that seem recog­ni­za­ble at first glan­ce, but by sub­se­quent­ly under­li­ning the com­plexi­ty and con­tra­dic­to­ry natu­re of what is pre­sen­ted, she gene­ra­tes new forms that also bring new con­no­ta­ti­ons. Her play is charac­te­ri­zed by a con­ti­nuous flui­di­ty to which the – lite­ral and figu­ra­ti­ve – ima­ge for­ma­ti­on is sub­ject. Menzo see­ks out new forms of move­ment and being, whi­le pla­cing beau­ty and the gro­tesque on an equal footing. She con­scious­ly see­ks out the alie­na­ting effect that results from this in order to gui­de both the vie­wer and herself away from the known. Away from the fami­liar that we some­ti­mes too easi­ly equa­te with the (only) truth’.

(Cherish Menzo is one of GRIP’s artis­tic lea­ders. GRIP is a dan­ce orga­ni­sa­ti­on led by cho­re­o­grap­hers Femke Gyselinck, Jan Martens, Steven Michel and Cherish herself.)

Picture © Laetita Bica