Charlotte Bouckaert Nicolas Roseeuw copy

Charlotte Bouckaert

Charlotte Bouckaert (Brussels, 1983) is a visu­al artist, sce­no­grap­her and per­for­man­ce artist. The fas­ci­na­ti­on for pho­to­grap­hy, for the impact of the fro­zen ima­ge is often the star­ting point of her the­a­tre prac­ti­ce. The fact that a pho­to­graph con­geals a moment in time fas­ci­na­tes, but see­ms to evo­ke sys­te­ma­tic rebel­li­on within her as well. She mani­pu­la­tes pic­tu­res so that not the con­ge­a­led moment but the enti­re acti­on lea­ding up to that moment, recei­ves our full attention.

Her works con­tains, per­for­man­ces video and instal­la­ti­ons. Work in which Charlotte, as a cho­re­o­grap­her of the sta­tic ima­ge, tries to redis­co­ver the won­der of wat­ching in a play­ful way. She is the­re­by sup­por­ted by Platform0090