Catalina Insignares
Catalina Insignares is a Colombian choreographer and dancer based in Brussels. She’s interested in how to use the sensorial and fictional means of the body and of touch to develop ways to communicate with the invisible.
Her practice includes a duet danced with a participant over a few weeks (us as a useless duet - 2015), a night reading addressed to sleeping bodies (useless land — 2017), and sensory practices that listen to the connections we have with the dead (landscapes of the dead — 2019 and to know the vultures so well - 2022). She always works in collaboration and long term associations for choreography, dramaturgy, teaching and performance.
Since 2015, she collaborates with Carolina Mendonça, maintaining a very close complicity in different manners of working together. And since 2017, she has been working with Myriam Lefkowitz as a performer and also in a collaboration that seeks to infiltrate sensory practices from the social and political realities of exiled people (La facultad).
From 2019 to 2022 Catalina developed her research as part of DAS THIRD in Amsterdam. Since 2019 she is a co-curator at the Gessnerallee in Zurich.
© Catalina Insignares.