Bio Aay

Aay Liparoto

Multidisciplinary artist Aay Liparoto (1987°, New Jersey, USA) tra­ver­ses the boun­da­ries of inti­ma­cy and bureau­cra­cy. Seeking ten­der­ness with your iden­ti­ty card and the bureau­cra­cy impli­cit in your friends­hips. The work tou­ches on sto­ries of eve­ry­day rela­ti­ons­hips with objects, peo­p­le and soci­al struc­tu­res, who­se power can be ren­de­red invi­si­ble by dai­ly inter­ac­ti­on. Each gover­ned by lay­ers of laws, nos­tal­gia and soci­al history. 

In their solo and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve prac­ti­ce Liparoto uses repe­ti­ti­ve per­for­ma­ti­ve acts and cre­a­tes sce­na­ri­os along with work­shops, videos and text to audio­vi­su­al­ly unpick the­se eve­ry­day life rela­ti­ons­hips. Their metho­do­lo­gy began with the 9 month long dai­ly per­for­man­ce pro­ject Andrew has His Period (2014) and Andrew a Strong Courageous Warrior(2016) a seduc­ti­ve reflec­ti­on on nor­ma­ti­ve gen­der per­for­man­ce. Evolving fur­ther on a road trip across the USA with their mir­ror ima­ge to under­stand the natu­re of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in We were Fools for Thinking it was going to be Fun (2019). In the instal­la­ti­on all bodies wel­co­me| no bodies wel­co­me (2020), they ques­ti­o­ned the needs of queer bodies con­sen­ting onli­ne with the an immersi­ve co-writ­ten cho­ral instal­la­ti­on cre­a­ted in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with HOT BODIES – Choir Brussels. 

They are cur­rent­ly in devel­op­ment of 360°cinematic vir­tu­al rea­li­ty work, Small Acts Of Violence (2023), which is focu­sed on the entang­le­ment of love and vio­len­ce in pri­ma­ry rela­ti­ons­hips, in pro­duc­ti­on with ARGOS. They live and work in Belgium.