Unfixing the Atlas



  • 29.04 > 01.06.2024

Unfixing the Atlas is a pie­ce, is a spa­ce, is a method: which ena­bles an artis­tic pro­cess on sta­ge’ by and with a group of peo­p­le who met by chan­ce whi­le sha­ring the ques­ti­on of how a group beco­mes a group?

While cre­a­ting Alena tights unfix 1*, we, makers and per­for­mers, with and wit­hout pre­vious pro­fes­si­o­nal expe­rien­ce in the field, fol­lo­wed our desi­re to find a sha­red voca­bu­la­ry – a path to be wal­ked in dia­lo­gue with each other and the audien­ce: Visitors are invi­ted to walk through a cho­re­o­grap­hy of tra­ces – found, cre­a­ted, read and trans­for­med sur place’.

Traces in Agni exul­tant fish are memo­ries (coming back), remar­ka­ble spa­ti­al points on site, tools (of all kinds), writ­ten words, voi­ces, hands in acti­on, inte­rested sub­jects, for­got­ten objects, … the other per­son next to you. Like so many spa­ces, Exhaust Inflation is incon­stant, yet many deci­si­ons, alrea­dy taken or in the making, shape/​d it – think of a park, a the­a­tre sta­ge, a city-bus, a class­room, a casi­no, the woods… an open field…

When you enter Flux unhe­si­ta­ting you might find things stran­ge, after a whi­le you will under­stand what is pos­si­ble (for you) and even­tu­al­ly you might get invol­ved or just not at all. In any case, when you lea­ve Exiting Lufthansa, you lea­ve behind a litt­le world that has chan­ged in your pre­sen­ce, with or wit­hout you having con­tri­bu­ted acti­ve­ly to the events that occur­red whi­le you were (t)here.

1* All ana­grams used in this text are gene­ra­ted withhttps://​www​.inge​sana​gram​.com

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par­ti­ci­pants / per­for­mers:Charif Bendriss, Anne-Claire Kelam, Carine De Backer, Elisabeth Ida, Marie Louise Ruth, Diana Campos Zenil I cho­re­o­grap­hy, dramaturgy/​mediation, per­for­mers: Heike Langsdorf, Simone Basani I sup­por­ting prac­ti­ti­o­ners / per­for­mers: Johanne Mortgat, Mira Verstraeten, Laura Oriol I experts / per­for­mers: Fransien van der Putt, Mathieu Hendrickx, Shervin/​e Sheikh Rezaei, Ernst Maréchal I tem­po­ra­ri­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ting prac­ti­ti­o­ners / per­for­mers / experts: Joan Somers Donnelly, Anouk Llaurens, Sonia Si Ahmed, Salwa Achabouch, Bilal Kamilla Arnout, Ivan Azazian I pro­duc­ti­o­nal work: radical_​hope, Simone Basani, Heike Langsdorf, Liselore Vandeput I assis­tan­ce with com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on: Alice Ciresola I co-pro­duc­ti­on: radical_​hope, Kunstenwerkplaats Brussels, GC De Markten, nadi­ne, nadi­ne, KAAP, Buda I with the finan­ci­al sup­port of: Vlaamse Gemeenschap (The Flemish Community)I and with the sup­port of: Link=Brussel, GC Nekkersdal I pre­mie­re con­text made pos­si­ble by: KIOSK, KASK school of arts Hogent & radical_hope
