The Secret Cycles


  • 22.08 > 26.08.2022

The Secret Cycles is an ongo­ing research on non-wes­tern codes of dan­ce, musi­ca­li­ty, fol­klo­re and gathering as a soci­al prac­ti­ce of care, joy and sur­vi­val. For the first part of this inten­ded tri­lo­gy The Secret Cycles part 1 : La fie­sta de la Delfina situ­a­tes its ima­gi­na­ry insi­de a bir­th­day par­ty some­whe­re in Latin America.

This duet acti­va­tes the expe­rien­ce and memo­ries of the two dan­cers who sha­re a simi­lar migra­ting jour­ney and cul­tu­ral back­grounds. Yet, both have a dif­fe­rent expe­rien­ce of dan­ce. (Désirée & Luis migra­ted from Latin America, howe­ver Luis has a solid aca­de­mic trai­ning on fol­klo­re, hip­hop, fol­klo­ric and con­tem­po­ra­ry dan­ce, and Désirée is a self-taught dan­ce artist who stu­died visu­al arts).