Something is Approaching


  • 27.01 > 07.02.2025

What sto­ries are imprin­ted in our mus­cles that a bul­let could unleash? Can our mus­cles dream of less vio­lent nar­ra­ti­ves in a col­lapsing world? After her pre­vious cre­a­ti­on Zones of Resplendence (2023) – in which she ima­gi­ned what an army figh­ting against sexu­al oppres­si­on might look like – some ques­ti­ons beca­me ine­vi­ta­ble. Certain prac­ti­ces demand­ed more time. In this new pro­ject, Carolina and her team con­ti­nue spe­cu­la­ting on how cho­re­o­grap­hy and bodi­ly prac­ti­ces can ser­ve as a form of self-defen­se, this time focu­sing on vio­len­ce embed­ded in the soci­al struc­tu­re of a family.

Concept, Choreography, and Text Carolina Mendonça I Performance and Co-cre­a­ti­on Lara Ferrari I Dramaturgy and research part­ner Carolina Bianchi I Outside Eye Catalina Insignares I Light Design Leticia Skrycky and Laura Salerno I Production HIROSCostume Design and Space Steff Assandri and Miguel Olmeda I WIPCOOP & KVS/ PROXIMAMENTE fes­ti­val resi­d­en­cy 2024 WITH THE SUPPORT OF Flemish Community; workspa­ce­brus­sels; Beursschouwburg; Viernulvier; Proximamente & BUDA

© Matias Gutierrez