

  • 22.07 > 26.07.2024

This week of resi­d­en­cy is a pro­cess of cre­a­ti­on and recol­lec­ti­on of some pre­vious’ mate­ri­als that are being assem­b­led together as a new per­for­ma­ti­ve inter­ven­ti­on for the cele­bra­ti­on of the 5th anni­vers­a­ry of the art gal­lery Melissa Ansel in Forest (Brussels). It is a site spe­ci­fic per­for­man­ce in which we are explo­ring how to bring dan­ce and the­a­tri­ca­li­ty in a chal­len­ging spa­ce: gal­lery and gar­den, how to deal with the insi­de and the out­si­de and our rela­ti­ons­hip with the audien­ce, having as a pre­mi­se the audien­ce capa­bi­li­ty to fol­low us and our con­stant visibility.

We are both the hosts of the par­ty as well as the per­for­mers that cele­bra­te the par­ty. While indul­ging in vani­ty and nar­cis­sism we are cele­bra­ting our­sel­ves. Some ele­ments we are wor­king with: being dop­pel­gan­gers, being one per­son in two bodies, abstrac­ting ele­ments that belong to the cele­bra­ti­on of a bir­th­day par­ty and sty­li­se them to fit in a gal­lery con­text as art that is being exhibited.

This per­for­man­ce is open to the public on the 01.12.24 at Melissa Ansel.