Mixed fee­lings


  • 03.05 > 16.05.2021

It was an ordi­na­ry grey after­noon, the fog appe­a­red to clear in the park, when the street foxes came out in num­bers, it’s so roman­tic, I’m gon­na come” they how­led. The magic hour appro­a­ched with its bait. Something behind their backs gave it away. There was no way but for­ward. Their backs hol­lo­wing, hid­den in plain sight, pleasant­ly lea­king souls mixing up. They stea­died their pace straight ahead. Now run­ning. The dee­per the leak, the fas­ter the pace. Settling in a calm flux, insi­de out and so on.

mixed fee­lings is a dan­ce per­for­man­ce by Adriano Wilfert Jensen, devel­o­ped with and dan­ced by Chloe Chignell, Bryana Fritz, Paolo Gile, Simon Asencio, Amanda Barrio Charmelo, Alexandra Tveit and Stefan Govaart, in a set­ting devel­o­ped with Andrea Zavala Folache, to ori­gi­nal music by Dean Blunt. It is part of a long term research pro­ject into the poli­tics of feeling(s), ana­ly­sis. As a dan­ce that unfolds in various for­mats and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons, ana­ly­sis inves­ti­ga­tes rela­ti­ons bet­ween sub­jects and fee­lings. It starts from the sup­po­si­ti­on that fee­lings are opaque, medi­a­ted and that they are some­thing you do (con­scious­ly or not) rather than have. In this per­for­man­ce, Adriano Wilfert Jensen focu­ses on dis­mant­ling the indi­vi­du­a­lis­tic fra­me of desi­re in dan­cing and wat­ching. mixed fee­lings explo­res the mess and ambi­va­len­ce of wha­te­ver stands under, through and abo­ve us’ individuals.

Dance devel­op­ment : Amanda Barrio Charmelo, Alexanda Tveit, Stefan Govaart, Simon Asencio, Chloe Chignell, Paolo Gile, Bryana Fritz, Adriano Wilfert Jensen, Sandra Lolax | Setting : Andrea Zavala Folache, Adriano Wilfert Jensen | Music Composition : Dean Blunt | Reading : Andrea Rodrigo | Production : Københavnsk Danse og Kunst Bevægelse | Co-pro­duc­ti­on : Kanuti Gildi Saal, MDT, The Mill, Kunstenwerkplaats, BUDA, Dansehallerne | With sup­port from : The Danish Arts Council, Bikubenfonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, William Demant Fonden,
Nordic-Baltic Mobility Program.

Thanks to : Sandra Lolax, Performing Arts Forum, Bora Bora, Anne Juren, Jan Ritsema, Ida-Elizabeth Larsen.