Listen To Me en Listen To Me Remix
Listen To Me Remix invites you to listen. To imagine listening. And in imaginingothers people’s listening, to imagine your own. The film questions our perceptionsof listening: how we imagine other peoples listening, how they give meaning tosound. This in turn might bring us closer to understand how we ourselves givemeaning to the sounds we hear, how we imagine our own listening. How soundplaces us in our surroundings, and our lives
Listen To Me wants to explore the listener’s role in the semantic triangle betweensound, listening and the listener. The project is inspired by the eavesdropper-paintings of Nicolaes Maes, a Dutch master from the 17th century. In these paintingsMaes shows somebody eavesdropping on a household, creating a unique viewpointon 17th century life and values.Listen To Me wants to research the emotional act oflistening, by focussing on the listener. It does so by filming people who are listening.The installation itself is a multiscreen video installation, each screen showing shots ofpeople absorbed in listening. The sound the people in the video are listening is notheard in the installation, nor is it in the film. It’s only present in the facial expressionson the screens, and the minute and subtle (or not so subtle) changes in thoseexpressions.Every shot shows a close up landscape portrait of the listener, showing his or herface while he or she is listening to something. In each shot there’s also a tiny bit ofbackground to give the spectator a feel of the context being listened to. The titleListen To Me refers to the fact that we never listen with our ears alone, but also withour own history, our own memories, and our other senses.Listening is a mode of perception that goes beyond sound or hearing, so it’sperfectly possible to listen to something that has no sound in the sense of airpressure variations. Listening is personal, and this installation invites you to exploreyour own personal listening, by using the others’ listening as a mirror.
concept and realisation Stijn Demeulenaere
camera Sam Vanoverschelde & Stijn Demeulenaere
Listen To Me is a project supported by Overtoon, Visual Kitchen, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, Cimatics, and the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region