Listen To Me en Listen To Me Remix

Listen To Me Remix invi­tes you to lis­ten. To ima­gi­ne lis­te­ning. And in ima­gi­nin­go­thers people’s lis­te­ning, to ima­gi­ne your own. The film ques­ti­ons our per­cep­ti­ons­of lis­te­ning: how we ima­gi­ne other peo­p­les lis­te­ning, how they give mea­ning tosound. This in turn might bring us clo­ser to under­stand how we our­sel­ves give­me­a­ning to the sounds we hear, how we ima­gi­ne our own lis­te­ning. How sound­pla­ces us in our sur­roun­dings, and our lives

Listen To Me wants to explo­re the listener’s role in the seman­tic tri­an­g­le bet­weens­ound, lis­te­ning and the lis­te­ner. The pro­ject is inspi­red by the eaves­drop­per-pain­tings of Nicolaes Maes, a Dutch mas­ter from the 17th cen­tu­ry. In the­se paintingsMaes shows some­bo­dy eaves­drop­ping on a hou­se­hold, cre­a­ting a uni­que vie­w­poin­ton 17th cen­tu­ry life and values.Listen To Me wants to research the emo­ti­o­nal act oflis­te­ning, by focus­sing on the lis­te­ner. It does so by fil­ming peo­p­le who are listening.The instal­la­ti­on itself is a mul­tis­creen video instal­la­ti­on, each screen showing shots ofpe­o­p­le absor­bed in lis­te­ning. The sound the peo­p­le in the video are lis­te­ning is notheard in the instal­la­ti­on, nor is it in the film. It’s only pre­sent in the faci­al expres­si­on­son the screens, and the minu­te and subt­le (or not so subt­le) chan­ges in thoseexpressions.Every shot shows a clo­se up lands­ca­pe port­rait of the lis­te­ner, showing his or her­fa­ce whi­le he or she is lis­te­ning to some­thing. In each shot there’s also a tiny bit ofback­ground to give the spec­ta­tor a feel of the con­text being lis­te­n­ed to. The titleListen To Me refers to the fact that we never lis­ten with our ears alo­ne, but also wit­hour own his­to­ry, our own memo­ries, and our other senses.Listening is a mode of per­cep­ti­on that goes beyond sound or hea­ring, so it’sperfectly pos­si­ble to lis­ten to some­thing that has no sound in the sen­se of air­pres­su­re vari­a­ti­ons. Listening is per­so­nal, and this instal­la­ti­on invi­tes you to explo­re­your own per­so­nal lis­te­ning, by using the others’ lis­te­ning as a mirror.

con­cept and rea­li­sa­ti­on Stijn Demeulenaere 

came­ra Sam Vanoverschelde & Stijn Demeulenaere 

Listen To Me is a pro­ject sup­por­ted by Overtoon, Visual Kitchen, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, Cimatics, and the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region