
  • 24.07 > 28.07.2023

« Si l’on m’aborde, je serai le feu. » — Claude De Burine

A charac­ter – half dan­cer, half gym­nast – will evol­ve throug­hout a phy­si­cal demon­stra­ti­on. On a sta­ge whe­re eve­ry­thing is trans­for­ma­ble, from cos­tu­me to sce­no­grap­hy to music, this is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see the excep­ti­o­nal in sim­ple things and to appre­ci­a­te the power of micro-evolutions.

Because this per­son, ordi­na­ry though she may be, went on sta­ge with the inten­ti­on of set­ting it on fire. Witness the jour­ney of this indi­vi­du­al in her per­for­man­ce, wan­ting to do well but not always suc­ceeding. A mix of wan­ting to excel and sur­ren­de­ring to the sim­ple plea­su­re of dancing.

With this first solo work, Léa Dubois, dan­cer at Rosas (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker), among others, takes us on a jour­ney of joy, back­ed by the musi­cal cre­a­ti­vi­ty of the Belgian duo Juicy.

Choreography and Interpretation: Léa Dubois I Creation Music: Juicy I Creation light: Max Adams I Creation sce­no­grap­hy: Jajrag I Costumes: Sabine Mesdag I Illustration: Mélanie Utzmann-North I Production: Les Halles de Schaerbeek | Coproduction: Charleroi Danse , Mars – Mons Arts de la Scène, search for copro­duc­ti­on ongo­ing | Residencies: Kunstenwerkplaats, De Kriekelaar, Le Grand Studio