Inflatable futures (research title)
- 27.06 > 02.07.2022
“Inflatable futures” is an extension of a longer research into breath/breathing — as an active process of interdependence, entanglement and reciprocity. We explore a breathing body, with which we want to create a metaphorical transformation of breath into an echo of time. We are creating diverse kinetic landscapes, reflect on and change their meanings. Our breathing is audible, is visual, is palpable and the dance is emerged into breath, both rhythmical and complex. We imagine a world, where you can steal a breath from another, where breathing is a commodity you can trade. When breathing is urgent. Can we envision new bodies — completely self sustainable and stop breathing? In the “Inflatable futures” we explore our future corporeality. Or maybe we have just arrived from another planet, unable to close our mouths. We deal with new modes of communication while alienating ourselves from our modes of being. Is our solitude there by choice?