I’m Not Done



  • 07.11 > 23.11.2024

With I’m Not Done, Simon Baetens cre­a­tes an inten­se, play­ful per­for­man­ce about self-pro­mo­ti­on, lone­li­ness and being on a jour­ney. His drag alter ego Electra lea­ves the club for the first time and appe­ars in the the­a­tre. Electra takes the audien­ce on a musi­cal jour­ney through trans­for­ma­ti­ve vir­tu­al and emo­ti­o­nal lands­ca­pes. With drag, music, video and text, a dream­li­ke world is cre­a­ted in which tech­no­lo­gy and rea­li­ty can no lon­ger be told apart. I’m Not Done beco­mes a per­for­man­ce like a doom scroll, in which pop music leads you through the laby­rinth of the inter­net. A tri­bu­te to the sha­me­less the­a­tri­ca­li­ty of pop con­certs and the poe­try of song texts. Can exu­be­ran­ce and pro­fun­di­ty go hand in hand?

From, with: Simon Baetens I Coaching: Nathan Ooms I Dramaturgy: Lisa Vereertbrugghen I Costume design: Robbert Geens I Light design & tech­ni­cal mana­ge­ment: Kato Ooms I Production: VIERNULVIER I Coproduction: DE SINGEL, Kunstenwerk­plaats, De Grote Post & C‑Mine I Supported by De Vlaamse Overheid, BUDA & KAAP I Thanks to Natalie Gielen, Louis Janssens & Elsemieke Scholte

© Willem Devijver