Hands On (wor­king title)


  • 22.05 > 26.05.2023

In arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gen­ce and robo­tics research, researchers often claim that the pro­cess of enga­ging in devel­o­ping machi­nes that imi­ta­te human beha­vi­or will make us ulti­ma­te­ly under­stand more about what makes us human — our sen­ses, our fee­lings and our intel­li­gen­ce. Haptic tech­no­lo­gy refers to any tech­no­lo­gy that can cre­a­te an expe­rien­ce of touch. What can insights from the field of hap­tic tech­no­lo­gy research teach us about our hands?

This is the first research resi­d­en­cy for a pie­ce plan­ned for 2024. The pie­ce should be a reflec­ti­on on the his­to­ric trans­for­ma­ti­on of our hands, whi­le lea­ding the audien­ce through a dra­ma­tur­gy that focu­ses on the expe­rien­ce and ima­gi­na­ti­on of their own sen­se of touch.

Project by: Begüm Erciyas I with: Jean-Baptiste Veyret Logerias, Lieven Dousselaere, Gaêtan Bulourde, Elodie Dauguet & Jonas Rutgeerts I Production: Outline vzw I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: KFDA, deSingel, tan­gen­te St Pölten, PACT Zollverein & SPRING I With the sup­port of: Kunstenwerk­plaats vzw