Forest Silent Gathering



  • 21.02 > 27.02.2022

For Begüm Erciyas’ and Matthias Meppelink’s new per­for­man­ce Forest Silent Gathering, a group of audien­ce mem­bers meet insi­de a forest at sun­set and fol­low a sound­track through headp­ho­nes. An audio-soci­al archi­tec­tu­re is cre­a­ted, in which one can pos­si­bly be alo­ne together. Changing dis­tan­ces invi­te to find new proxi­mi­ties. Absent figu­res beco­me pro­ta­go­nists. As the com­mu­nal spa­ce takes sha­pe and trans­forms, Forest Silent Gathering makes us reflect on the bonds bet­ween peo­p­le, forests and his­to­ries. What is it that keeps us together?