Extending Further



  • 25.03 > 29.03.2024

Belgian drum­mer Lander Gyselinck joins Nafaq, the dan­ce duo from Cairo for­med by Amina Abouelghar and Hanin Tarek. Together, they pre­sent an impro­vi­sed adapta­ti­on of the dan­ce pie­ce Extending Further, con­cei­ved as a jour­ney through the con­flic­ting powers of con­nec­ted­ness and dis­tan­ce bet­ween the dan­cers’ moving bodies and the audience.

Extending Further
is cre­a­ted within the fra­me of Indiscipline, an annu­al one-day hap­pe­ning with per­for­man­ces and expe­ri­men­tal inter­ven­ti­ons set at the Grand Casino in the Belgian sea­si­de resort of Knokke-Heist. Known for its rich art and film his­to­ry — in par­ti­cu­lar the legen­da­ry EXPRMNTL film fes­ti­val (1949 – 1974)— the casi­no offers a rare and sur­pri­sing con­text that encou­ra­ges new forms of per­cep­ti­on, expe­rien­ce and corporeality.

With: Ufuoma Essi, Gary Farrelly, Lenio Kaklea, Jonathan Franz, Margaux Schwarz, Michael Snow, Nafaq (Amina Abouelghar & Hanin Tarek) with Lander Gyselinck, Hagar Tenenbaum & Irina Jasnowski Pascual, Eleanor Ivory Weber, and Xavier Garcia Bardon on EXPRMNTL.

Choreography and dan­ce Amina Abouelghar & Hanin Tarek Music and drums Lander Gyselinck Coproductie Extending Further by Nafaq is copro­du­ced by Bridging Cologne and D‑CAF, 2022 and Festival de Marseille, 2024. The ver­si­on with Lander Gyselink is copro­du­ced by WIELS and KWP De Pianofabriek.

© Grégoire Verbeke