Echoic choir


  • 19.02 > 28.02.2021

A new col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween voca­list Stine Janvin (NO) and cho­re­o­grap­her Ula Sickle (CA/PL/BE), Echoic Choir, evo­kes the ritu­al of coming together on a dan­ce floor around music in the late hours of the night. Relying on the power of acous­tic voi­ces and spa­ti­al reso­nan­ce, the pro­ject aims to cre­a­te a col­lec­ti­ve and immersi­ve sen­so­ri­al event, by pla­cing the per­for­mers and the audien­ce in a sha­red spa­ce, such as a rave or night­club. Sound, cho­re­o­grap­hy and the visu­al aspects of the work, such as light, cre­a­te a strong syn­es­the­tic expe­rien­ce for the audience.

While gathering together in a night­club has been almost impos­si­ble over the past year due to the new rea­li­ty brought about by the Covid19 pan­de­mic, Echoic Choir takes on the chal­len­ge of using soci­al dis­tan­cing’ rules as artis­tic para­me­ters. The noti­on of an inti­ma­te dan­ce floor is gra­du­al­ly beco­ming a vague memo­ry. Revisiting this set­ting and its sen­so­ry memo­ries, albeit within new para­me­ters, invi­tes new per­spec­ti­ves on a fami­liar sce­na­rio. The spec­ta­tors are invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the work through their lis­te­ning and their phy­si­cal pre­sen­ce, embo­dying a new kind of col­lec­ti­ve ritual.

Concept, com­po­si­ti­on : Stine Janvin | Concept, cho­re­o­grap­hy : Ula Sickle | Performance : Michelle Cheung, Roman Ole, Rishin Singh, Annalise Van Even, Stine Janvin & Ula Sickle | Dramaturgy : Persis Bekkering | Costumes : Don Aretino x Muyao Zhang | Lights, sound : tba | Coproduction : Wiener Festwochen (Vienna), STUK House for Dance, Image and Sound (Leuven)
With the sup­port of Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeeschapscommissie Residencies : Kunstenwerkplaats (Brussels), DAAD (Berlin), Dampfzentrale (Bern) Executive pro­duc­ti­on and dif­fu­si­on : Caravan Production