Doom & Bloom


  • 07.06 > 18.06.2022

Doom & Bloom by/​with dan­cer and per­for­man­ce maker Hanna Ahti, cho­re­o­grap­her Anna Maria Häkkinen, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist Maija Mustonen, sound desig­ner Helena Pulkkinen and light desig­ner Jenni Pystynen is a work-in-pro­gress that mer­ges cor­po­re­a­li­ty and bota­nic senes­cen­ce. The work won­ders about mor­ta­li­ty as a life for­ce and aims to cre­a­te an ima­gi­na­ry soil on sta­ge whe­re peri­s­hing and decay as well as sim­me­ring of new begin­nings are equal­ly impor­tant cor­po­re­al mate­ri­a­li­ties. By explo­ring the mul­ti­fa­ceted noti­ons of decay and birth, the work see­ks to embo­dy bloo­m­ing as well as aging and dying. Ahti, Häkkinen and Mustonen have col­la­bo­ra­ted together over ten years in various productions.