Do not touch me
- 17.05 > 23.05.2021
« Ne me touchez, ne me touchez pas, car j’ai peur de ressentir » Doris Lessing, Le carnet d’or
Before the pandemic struck our planet, we were living in a world of constant physical contact. In our Western societies, bodies touching were such a normality, we barely noticed it anymore. Today, facing the prohibition of physical closeness, Touch takes a whole new meaning and has a new place in our everyday. We realize how important — almost sacred — it is, bringing us back to past centuries when the slightest skin contact could mean a great deal of things.
With that in mind, I wish to create a dance that would summon those moments of fleeting intimacy, shared body energies, subtle eroticism… But also the distress of today’s physical solitude. We need to be touched, to feel the warmth of another human body. A lot is being said through body language and connections.
How do we do without it ? How do we react ? Through a dancing duet, I invite the audience to travel in a world where skins brush, bodies speak quietly, caress each other, come close or stay apart, look for one another, find one another, lose one another… Where bodies exchange or lock themselves in solitude.
Concept and choreography : Laura Bachman, in collaboration with Morgan Lugo | Dancers : Laura Bachman and Morgan Lugo | Costumes : Ester Manas | Original score : Vincent Peirani | Musicians: Vincent Peirani and one musician (in progress) | Light : in progress