Do not touch me


  • 17.05 > 23.05.2021

« Ne me tou­chez, ne me tou­chez pas, car j’ai peur de res­sen­tir » Doris Lessing, Le car­net d’or

Before the pan­de­mic struck our pla­net, we were living in a world of con­stant phy­si­cal con­tact. In our Western socie­ties, bodies tou­ching were such a nor­ma­li­ty, we bare­ly noti­ced it any­mo­re. Today, facing the pro­hi­bi­ti­on of phy­si­cal clo­se­ness, Touch takes a who­le new mea­ning and has a new pla­ce in our eve­ry­day. We rea­li­ze how impor­tant — almost sacred — it is, brin­ging us back to past cen­tu­ries when the sligh­test skin con­tact could mean a gre­at deal of things.

With that in mind, I wish to cre­a­te a dan­ce that would sum­mon tho­se moments of fleeting inti­ma­cy, sha­red body ener­gies, subt­le ero­ti­cism… But also the dis­tress of today’s phy­si­cal soli­tu­de. We need to be tou­ched, to feel the warmth of ano­ther human body. A lot is being said through body lan­gu­a­ge and connections.

How do we do wit­hout it ? How do we react ? Through a dan­cing duet, I invi­te the audien­ce to tra­vel in a world whe­re skins brush, bodies speak qui­et­ly, caress each other, come clo­se or stay apart, look for one ano­ther, find one ano­ther, lose one ano­ther… Where bodies exchan­ge or lock them­sel­ves in solitude.

Concept and cho­re­o­grap­hy : Laura Bachman, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Morgan Lugo | Dancers : Laura Bachman and Morgan Lugo | Costumes : Ester Manas | Original sco­re : Vincent Peirani | Musicians: Vincent Peirani and one musi­cian (in pro­gress) | Light : in progress