Behind the Wall I was Speaking (wor­king title)


  • 15.07 > 19.07.2024

Behind the Wall I was Speaking is an expand­ed cine­ma per­for­man­ce that revol­ves around the con­cept of other­ness within an onei­ric and super­na­tu­ral visu­al con­text, focu­sing on cre­a­ting spec­tral pro­jec­ti­ons in the form of ana­log glit­ches and an immersi­ve cho­re­o­grap­hic sound walk. The per­for­man­ce explo­res the con­cepts of non-belon­ging and dis­pla­ce­ment, expres­sed visu­al­ly through the the­me of spec­tra­li­ty, haun­t­olo­gy, and the otherworldly.

Concept and Creation: Esther Fantuzzi
Dramaturg: Gaia Ginevra Giorgi

Picture shot during their resi­d­en­cy at KWP in Elzenhof.