And now the begin­ning is some­whe­re else


  • 27.01 > 31.01.2025

Through an extre­me lands­ca­pe, made out of the logic of foam, you make your way in bet­ween sus­pen­ded time, tra­ces of water and petrol. It see­ms like nothing can hap­pen here. Yet, under­ne­ath trans­for­ma­ti­on lin­gers. Balancing bet­ween still­ness and moti­on, the lands­ca­pe unra­vels its memo­ries and nar­ra­ti­ves, from a long time ago — or may­be, now. 

And now the begin­ning is some­whe­re else’ is a per­for­ma­ti­ve instal­la­ti­on whe­re you are invi­ted insi­de of. Through spa­ce but also through sound, sto­ry­tel­ling and cho­re­o­grap­hic work, the per­for­man­ce cre­a­tes a world of inter­con­nec­ti­ons, knots and threads.

concept/​performing Iris Donders, Delphine Mertens I concept/​choreography Judith Dhondt I per­for­ming Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek I sound Lucie Grésil I spa­ce devel­op­ment Eline Harmse I first object devel­op­ment Edie de Vere I cos­tu­me design stef assan­dri I light Caroline Mathieu I dra­ma­tur­gy Sara Manente I cho­re­o­grap­hic assis­tant Anja Röttgerkamp, Janka De Waele I pro­duc­ti­on Emma Steurs I grap­hic design Joram De Cocker I co-pro­duc­ti­on by C‑TAKT, KAAP & SoAP I with the finan­ci­al sup­port of Flanders I sup­por­ted by BUDA, CAMPO, De School van Gaasbeek, de Koer, de Verffabriek, Ultima Vez, A two dogs com­pa­ny, Mouvance ASBL, Kunstenwerkplaats and Garage 29 

© Delphine Mertens