An Awkward Friend — Géraldine Haas


  • 06.06 > 07.06.2024

How can one’s body recall grie­vous expe­rien­ces and let emo­ti­ons resurfa­ce whithin a limi­nal spa­ce bet­ween dream and rea­li­ty?
An Awkward Friend
is a sen­so­ri­al attempt to draw nea­rer to the embo­died sen­sa­ti­ons and memo­ries around the loss of my father. With the com­pli­ci­ty of my friend Ine, we cre­a­te ima­gi­na­ry spa­ces for dis­com­fort and uncan­ni­ness to emer­ge and reso­na­te, for ghosts to appear, and for time to flow, expand and some­ti­mes collapse.

Concept and cho­re­o­grap­hy : Géraldine HaasI Created and per­for­med: Ine Bonnaire, Géraldine Haas I Choreographic assis­tant : Pierre-Louis Kerbart I Dramaturgy and men­tor : Krystel Khoury I Outside eye : Lara Ferrari ‑tumm­ma- I Scenography : Géraldine Haas, Ine Bonnaire I Costumes : Ine Bonnaire, Géraldine Haas I Awkward friends: Naama Shoshana Fogiel Lewin, Carlos Landaeta Meneses, Mira Maria Studer I A huge thanks to all my peers who accom­pa­ny the work in its pro­cess I A thought to cele­bra­te our belo­ved mis­sing ones

Picture © jomon­ky­jo
Visual © Joram De Cocker