when ashes spi­ral — Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek


  • 06.06 > 07.06.2024

THU 6.06 + FRI 7.06, 20247:30pm
When ashes spi­ral is part of a dou­ble bill with An Awkward Friend — Géraldine Haas

When ashes spi­ral, the human self is decen­te­red into a trans­for­ma­ti­ve realm — a limi­nal envi­ron­ment whe­re fluid beings rise, lin­ger, and col­lap­se. This cycle of trans­for­ma­ti­on tra­vels through sta­tes of detach­ment in mind and body. We enga­ge in an ani­mis­tic out­look in an attempt to free the fixed self to beco­me mul­ti­ple and chan­ging. Rigid soci­al con­struc­ti­ons beco­me watery and ener­gies flow through dif­fe­rent forms. How can we seep through the con­tai­ners of our skin? When see­ing the ani­ma­te and the ina­ni­ma­te as a spec­trum, what drifts in bet­ween? We cele­bra­te imper­ma­nent natu­res and fleeting identities.

Concept & direc­ti­on: Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek I Performance & cre­a­ti­on: Rania Barhoumi, Osamu Shikichi, Jair Jetzehu Montes Rangel, Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek I Scenography & cos­tu­me: Anthea Demoen I Sound design: Jair Montes I Textual script: Rania Barhoumi I Mentor: Sabrina Seifried, Bojana Cvejić

Picture © Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek
Visual © Joram De Cocker