Somatic Tratata



  • 24.10 > 31.10.2022

Breath, voi­ce, move­ment” are the three key ele­ments of the pie­ce Somatic Tratata by Hannah Shakti Bühler and Simon Mayer. Through the repe­ti­ti­ve rhythm of the sou­t­hern Italian Tarantella dan­ce, the two dan­cers put them­sel­ves into a tran­ce-like sta­te. The invi­si­ble inter­per­so­nal spa­ce beco­mes a playing field in which the boun­da­ries of body, psy­che and mind break open, flow into each other and are explo­red anew. Playfully, the two bodies trans­form their (gen­der) roles and identities.

Enduring move­ment, rhythm and bre­a­thing wrap­ped in the live music of Simon Mayer put the dan­cers’ bodies into cre­a­ti­ve sta­tes. The audien­ce expe­rien­ces a con­tem­po­ra­ry per­for­ma­ti­ve ritu­al, a dan­ce con­cert that con­nects tra­di­ti­ons — from sou­t­hern Italian Tarantism to alpi­ne folk cul­tu­res. Everything in play, in strug­gle, in love of the moving bodies.

Choreography, Performance: Hannah Shakti Bühler, Simon Mayer | Music: Simon Mayer | Light: Matthieu Vergez | Dramaturgical Advice: Karoline Maria Wibmer | Production: Lisa Anetsmann 

Premiere of the Performance 4th of November 2022 at Staatstheater Darmstadt (Weblink: Tanzfestival Rhein-Main: Somatic Tratata – Rhythm, Rapture and Romance | Staatstheater Darmstadt)

Coproduction: Tanzplattform Rhein Main, Hessisches Staatstheater, Goethe Institut Napoli, Kunstenwerkplaats vzw Brüssel, Art in Motion Wien | Supported by KulturAmt Frankfurt, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, KÖRPER Centro di Produzione del­la Danza Napoli, Trance Science Institute/​Corine Sombrun, Wirbelfest Sigharting, FIM Andorf/​Martina Reitinger, The inti­ma­te Revolution, Skydancing Institute, Verein SPIEL, NiD Platform und der HfMDF Frankfurt | Special thanks to VOC Sterc Delft