Noon III


  • 22.03 > 28.03.2021

Project and young col­lec­ti­ve NOON cre­a­tes a series of per­for­ma­ti­ve instal­la­ti­ons in which ima­gi­na­ti­on is used as a tool to con­nect, to come together. NOON always departs from the bodies. The awa­re­ness of — and con­nec­ti­on with — our body could be the first step to con­nect human beings with their envi­ron­ment — again, but dif­fe­rent­ly, and who knows — with each other.

NOON III (wor­king tit­le) tries to cre­a­te a world whe­re dif­fe­rent cre­a­tu­res are depen­dent on each other, a world which is con­stant­ly trans­for­ming. Here they are loo­king for a moment to cre­a­te encoun­ters, to pay atten­ti­on to one ano­ther / to ima­gi­ne, dan­ce and rest together.

The work will pre­mie­re as a mas­ter­pro­ject within KASK Drama at the end of April 2021.

Created by : Joram De Cocker, Janka De Waele, Judith Dhondt, Iris Donders, Tuur Geldhof, Delphine Mertens, Jietske Vermoortele & Elena Vloeberghen | Thanks to : KASK School of Arts, Bardia Mohammad, NADAR, Radical House, Heike Langsdorf, ZSenne art­lab, De School van Gaasbeek, Kunstenwerkplaats, KAAP, Geert Belpaeme, Anna Luyten, Senne Vanderschelden, and eve­ry­o­ne who inspi­red or sup­por­ted us one way or another.