Neind Thing


In the wild, when facing natu­re and wil­der­ness, iso­la­ted from man made envi­ron­ments many peo­p­le speak about the hum­bling expe­rien­ce of los­ing the sen­se of their ego. In the wild we are not nee­ded for things to hap­pen as mul­ti­ple other for­ces, plants ani­mals mul­ti­ple dif­fe­rent spe­cies, cli­ma­te and natu­ral pro­ces­ses take pla­ce with or wit­hout us. We resist and refu­se sys­tems that rob peo­p­le of their atten­ti­on, time and dura­ti­o­nal connectivity.

With cur­rent hyper instru­men­ta­li­za­ti­on and appor­pri­a­ti­on of eve­ry­thing’, the­re is an urgent need for resis­ting speed, infor­ma­ti­on cha­os and the hirar­chy of effi­ci­en­cy ver­sus sim­ple plea­su­res and a neu­tral sta­te of being in nothing­ness’ in order to con­nect, make indi­vi­du­al choi­ces, feel agen­cy in being an individual.

Our resis­tan­ce to over­sa­tu­ra­ti­on is to find ways to con­nect with litt­le nothings, con­tem­pla­te on the idea of nothing or to be doing nothing (of use value). The more nothing we find the more some­thing becomes.

Concept and cho­re­o­grap­hy: Inga Huld Hákonardóttir | Dancers / per­for­mers: Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir, Védís Kjaratansdóttir, Inga Huld Hákonardóttir | Live drums and sound design: Ægir Sindri Bjarnason | Scenography: Guðný Hrund Sigurðardóttir | Lights: Arnar Ingvarsson | Dramaturgy and artis­tic advi­ce: Ásgerður Gunnarsdóttir, Halla Ólafsdóttir | Performances: Tjarnabíó, October 28th and 29th, November 6th | Partners and co-pro­du­cers: Dansverkstæðið, KWP Kunstenwerkplaats, Tjarnnarbíó, Rannís (Government fun­ding Iceland)