MIST — a research project

KWP production


  • 22.01.2025

MIST (wor­king tit­le) is a wri­ting pro­cess in search of situ­a­ti­ons and charac­ters that wan­der, that get lost, that are found… People who fol­low nar­row, bare­ly drawn paths or who, for some rea­son, go off the path. And then, vege­ta­ti­on, fog, a mista­ke or not kno­wing how to read a map cau­ses diso­rien­ta­ti­on. People who don’t know whe­re they are going, but con­ti­nue anyways.

MIST is the first pha­se of a new fic­ti­on pro­ject. A sto­ry based on legends or real events, sto­ries in which the pro­ta­go­nists mer­ge with the lands­ca­pe becau­se they have lost them­sel­ves, dis­con­nec­ting from a human way of per­cei­ving reality.

Direction and wri­ting: Edurne Rubio I Writing advi­se: Manah Depauw and Gust Vandenberghe I Actresses: Alejandra Pombo and Manah Depauw I Director of Photography: Hans Bruch I Reading com­pa­n­i­ons: Catalina Insignares, Susanne Weck, Hans Bryssinck, Jan de Coster, Gosie Vervloessem I Residencies at De School Van Gaasbeek, Azala, Kunstencentrum Buda, Voetvolk Atelier Rubigny I Production by Kunstenwerkplaats I copro­duc­ti­on: Nadine I Supported by de Vlaamse Gemeenschap.

Images rea­li­sed during the last resi­d­en­cy at Voetvolk Atelier Rubigny (3÷2024)