

  • 16.08 > 19.08.2022

LIGHTSHIP is a con­ti­nu­a­ti­on of my 6‑year phy­si­cal and archi­tec­tu­ral mate­ri­al research with transpa­rent PVC plas­tic tubes in various sizes. LIGHTSHIP is focu­sing on power dyna­mics bet­ween two per­for­mers uti­li­sing the decor as props and as their objects of manipulation.

LIGHTSHIP is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry dura­ti­o­nal per­for­man­ce whe­re two per­for­mers of con­tras­ting phy­si­cal sha­pes mani­pu­la­te what is per­cei­ved as decor’ con­sis­ting of PVC tubes as well as each other’s bodies. I pla­ced femi­ni­ne move­ment cen­tre sta­ge and explo­red the idea of power in gent­le­ness’. I deci­ded to move away from tra­di­ti­o­nal cir­cus equip­ment and use an unu­su­al mate­ri­al — coils of PVC tubing and tre­at it as a com­pa­n­ion and tac­kle its phy­si­ca­li­ty and boun­da­ries. While the two per­for­mers — a cir­cus artist and a dan­cer adopt dif­fe­rent move­ment tech­ni­ques, a power dyna­mic gra­du­al­ly surfa­ces. Architecture, mate­ri­al and sce­no­grap­hy research in one, LIGHTSHIP chal­len­ges what we think cir­cus equip­ment is as well as what a cir­cus body can do. The tubes are mani­pu­la­ted by the 2 per­for­mers like ropes and piles of struc­tu­res. Do the bodies use the tubes to help each other navi­ga­te the spa­ce or do they use them to hand­le each other?