A reflec­ti­on on canon (research)


  • 26.07 > 08.08.2021

It is a body of research that explo­res canon as a cho­re­o­grap­hic tool. The pos­si­bi­li­ties of canon in musi­cal com­po­si­ti­on have been pro­found and the­re is more poten­ti­al for canon’s trans­la­ti­on in dan­ce. Canon is dan­ce that refe­ren­ces itself. Using the ide­as of cog­ni­ti­ve sci­en­tist and phy­si­cist Douglas Hofstadter we can under­stand this self refe­ren­ce as a stran­ge loop” and tang­led hier­ar­chy” giving us the pos­si­bi­li­ty to invert this rela­ti­ons­hip and gain a dee­per insight to its frac­tal-like reoc­cur­ring nature.

The first aspect I will work with is the live dan­ce work. I will work with ano­ther dan­cer, Sara Tan to con­ti­nue buil­ding move­ment mate­ri­al for the live per­for­man­ce work. Specifically wor­king on the ide­as of direc­ti­o­nal canon, rhythmic canon and table canon.

The second aspect I will work on is cre­a­ting video instal­la­ti­on works, explo­ring canon in the digi­tal 3D spa­ce (like how a com­pu­ter game is cre­a­ted). Working with James Hogan, we will explo­re how a recent­ly cre­a­ted dan­ce film in the 2D digi­tal spa­ce trans­la­tes into the 3D digi­tal spa­ce using the pro­gram Macs Live.