A Nublo

KWP production


  • 14.12 > 28.12.2020

A Nublo” tries to supe­rim­po­se two spa­ces: the the­a­ter, a clo­sed spa­ce built by and for the human being, and a val­ley, a spa­ce trans­for­med and sha­ped by geo­lo­gi­cal and atmos­p­heric con­di­ti­ons and com­ple­te­ly open, an outer space. 

Edurne Rubio and María Jerez are inte­rested in intertwi­ning the­se spa­ces, allo­wing for mee­ting points bet­ween the two worlds and thus buil­ding a tran­si­to­ry third pla­ce, ana­chro­nis­tic for being at the same time ance­stral and futu­ris­tic, a spe­cu­la­ti­ve pie­ce of sci­en­ce (-fic­ti­on). It is not about buil­ding a sce­no­grap­hy to repre­sent a natu­ral lands­ca­pe, but about loo­king at the the­a­ter as a lands­ca­pe, a pla­ce sub­ject to for­ces and events that trans­form it.

A Nublo” is an invita­ti­on to under­stand the the­a­ter as a sen­si­ti­ve spa­ce. An eco­sy­s­tem with a spe­ci­fic topo­grap­hy and a par­ti­cu­lar machi­ne­ry that itself alrea­dy pro­du­ces. Light, sound and this machi­ne­ry are not at the ser­vi­ce of a cho­re­o­grap­hy but are the cho­re­o­grap­hy itself, for this, Edurne & Maria have wor­ked together with the light desig­ner Leticia Skrycky and the sound desig­ner Charo Calvo. 

The audien­ce is acti­ve­ly ques­ti­o­ned, it is not so much about par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, but about being together, in the same spa­ce in a sta­te of alert, a peri­od of maxi­mum ten­si­on until the event, pre­dic­ted by une­qui­vo­cal signs, actu­al­ly occurs… or may­be not. And in that expecta­ti­on, the vie­wer is for­ced to unlearn cer­tain logics, to be less human“, to enter the phe­no­me­non like some­o­ne ente­ring into an aes­the­tic expe­rien­ce, some­thing that can­not be captured. 

Concept and per­for­man­ce: Edurne Rubio & María Jerez

Light design: Leticia Skrycky with the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of Santiago Rodríguez Tricot

Sound design: Charo Calvo

Support and tech­ni­cal assis­tan­ce: Olivier Theys, Carlos Barea, Chris van Goethem, Gaetan Van de Berg, Kasper Dumon, Amber Albertina van Rooijen, John De Backer, Cyril Jean and Roberto Baldinelli.

Belgium pro­duc­ti­on: KWP Kunstenwerkplaats

Spanish pro­duc­ti­on: Maria Jerez

Co-pro­du­ced by: Kunstenwerkplaats (Brussels), Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque (Madrid), Buda Kunstencentrum (Kortrijk), BE Festival (Birmingham), far ° fabri­que des arts vivants (Nyon) and Noorderzon / Grand Theater (Groningen)

With the sup­port of: Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, wpZimmer (Antwerp), TNT (Terrassa), Beiaarden en Torenuurwerken Michiels and Uriel Fogué

Project car­ried out with the sup­port of the Madrid City Council grant pro­gram for cre­a­ti­on and mobility

Acknowledgments: Isla Aguilar, Miguel Oyarzun, Damna Barredo, Elías Rubio, Ernesto Elchardus, David Elchardus, Beatriz Quintana, Miguel Jerez, Manah de Pauw, Félix Blume, Marina Rubio, Amelie Aranguren, Campo Adentro, Alvaro Alonso de Armiño, Óscar Hernández, Ondine Cloez, Sara Manente, Laura Ramírez, Anto Rodríguez, Cuqui Jerez and Uriel Fogué.