
Leandro Nerefuh

Leandro Nerefuh (born in M’Boygy, 1975) is an artist and art his­to­ri­an self-inscri­­bed in the​“bra­zi­li­an” con­struc­ti­vist tra­di­ti­on. Since 2009, he has been devel­o­ping a method of for­mal trans­la­ti­on of his­to­ri­cal nar­ra­ti­ves into per­for­man­ces, lec­tu­res, texts, sculp­tu­res, and agit­prop expe­ri­ments, with spe­ci­al dedi­ca­ti­on to the geo­grap­hies of SubAmerica and the Carribean. Around 2013, his work took on an onto­lo­gi­cal turn and has beco­me most­ly con­cerned with the cre­a­ti­on of for­mal expe­ri­ments con­ver­ging dif­fe­rent crafts into open-ended rela­ti­o­nal envi­ron­ments and/​or soci­al arran­ge­ments inclu­ding living beings, spi­rits, tech­no­lo­gies, and things. He is also a co-foun­­der of PPUB — Partido pela Utopia Brasileira, an exof­fi­ci­al poli­ti­cal par­ty that was acti­ve in bra­zil, para­gu­ay and urugu­ay from 2008 to 2015.