Portrait F Saraullo Catherine Lemaitre

Francesca Saraullo

BIO: FRANCESCA SARAULLO (BE-IT, based in Brussels, 1984

Choreographic and visu­al artist, dan­cer-per­for­mer, tea­cher-researcher living in Brussels sin­ce 2012. Her back­ground is plu­ri­dis­ci­pli­na­ry, inclu­ding a Master’s of Fine Arts from the ISAC and Art in Public Space sec­ti­ons of the Royal Academy of Fine Art of Brussels, and degrees in mul­ti­me­dia and per­for­ming arts, and film engi­nee­ring and media from the Polytechnic University of Turin. Francesca trai­ned in dan­ce, the­a­ter and sin­ging throug­hout Europe; in France, Belgium and Italy, and honed her skills in cen­ters such as Fondation Royaumont, College-Dance Venice, and ImPulsTanz Vienna. 

Since 2013, she has pre­sen­ted her own cho­re­o­grap­hic works (ANAMNESIS, LUX, Et toi…, La Sospesa) and videos (W., RACCOLTO, Moulbaix Dr., Ballerina, MiNunn) in various inter­na­ti­o­nal fes­ti­vals and venues. 

Pluridisciplinary in her career, the­re­fo­re, she has nou­ris­hed her prac­ti­ce and her curi­o­si­ty with various lan­gu­a­ges and appro­a­ches until embra­cing that field of inves­ti­ga­ti­on — broad and infi­ni­te — that remains the body. 

Body as mat­ter to be sculp­ted to bring out what is alrea­dy, the­re, pre­sent, root­ed in a time, per­haps, more dis­tant than the one in which we live. Body as pla­ce’ from which a gestu­re, an acti­on, an inten­ti­on, a dan­ce arise. 

Hence her inte­rest in a con­scious awa­re­ness of move­ment, the motor of which starts from within’. In res­pon­se to this, she dives in soma­tic prac­ti­ces. Firstly, she trains in Sensitive Dance® with Claude Coldy (path­way for artists at L’arboreto — Teatro Dimora, Mondaino, 2016 – 2019); then, she begins the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween the fas­ci­al con­nec­ti­ve sys­tem and the dan­cing gestu­re with the ima­gi­na­ti­ve and spe­ci­fic appro­ach of dan­cer and researcher Florence Augendre (20202022); from 2023, she has been trai­ning in fas­ci­al the­ra­py for dan­ce” with the dan­cer Anja Röttgerkamp and the two oste­o­pa­ths Nadine Quéré and Paul Sercu. 

Since 2020 she devel­ops, arti­cu­la­tes and sha­res her work around the body as an archi­ve of per­so­nal and archaic memo­ries, sha­ped by sen­sa­ti­ons, ima­ges, lands­ca­pes, sounds and emo­ti­ons. She has recei­ved research fun­ding from the French Community of Belgium (Charleroi Danse 2021, FWB 2022) as a par­ti­ci­pant in the resi­d­en­cy pro­grams The ever prac­ti­cing lands­ca­pe 2021” by Workspace Ricerca X, Around a pro­cess of making 2022” by Marosi Festival and AiR2022” by ŻfinMalta Company, amongst others. 

In Belgium, she is cur­rent­ly acti­ve in two col­lec­ti­ve pro­jects: EMBRACE (a net­work of pro­fes­si­o­nals wor­king with the soma, the body that expe­rien­ces.) and AccompanyClass (a group of free­lan­ce dan­ce artists who come together to offer a sha­red trai­ning program). 

w:  port­fo­lio (fr) ; vimeo ; insta .