Conversing with masculinity word play

Workshop: "conversing with masculinity" by Kevin Fay


With ima­ges and poe­try from pre­vious con­ver­sing with mas­cu­li­ni­ty’ cir­cles, this work­shop opens a safe spa­ce for expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on. Together, we will prac­ti­ce pra­naya­ma, and we will explo­re sco­res for impro­vi­sed part­ner dan­cing. In the­se, we’ll sustain inti­ma­te forms of con­tact whi­le moving with spe­ci­fic qua­li­ties and bre­ath coo­r­di­na­ti­ons (e.g. per­sis­tent pres­sing’, pre­ca­rious pus­hing’, soft­ly sin­king’, staying power’). Also, we will extend a prac­ti­ce cal­l­ed Questions Dance’ whi­le reflec­ting on noti­ons of phy­si­cal com­fort and care.

Workshop descrip­ti­on:

To ack­now­led­ge, exa­mi­ne, and decon­struct hete­r­o­co­lo­ni­al, Europatriarchal fil­ters in words, the per­for­ma­ti­ve rea­ding cir­cle, con­ver­sing with mas­cu­li­ni­ty’, pro­po­ses an open sha­ring of tech­ni­ques and stra­te­gies to look at how lan­gu­a­ge* feels.

In the cir­cle, we will read, lis­ten, cre­a­te, and move in col­lec­ti­ve attempts to loo­sen up and ima­gi­ne sen­suous language(s).

We will lis­ten to excerpts of texts** by others, and we’ll fra­me our expe­rien­ce by wri­ting down spe­ci­fic words or sounds our­sel­ves. With per­so­nal lan­gu­a­ge lexi­cons, we will then explo­re how indi­vi­du­al, int­ui­ti­ve noti­ons are orga­ni­zed in poems and ima­ges. To move, we will prac­ti­ce pra­naya­ma and impro­vi­se part­ne­red dan­cing.

The cir­cle stri­ves to pro­vi­de safe time and spa­ce. We will pri­o­ri­ti­ze and address ques­ti­ons, ide­as, and con­cerns together as they ari­se.

*The wor­king lan­gu­a­ge is English, but trans­la­tors are avai­la­ble. Please reach out if you know that you would like this support. 

**Source mate­ri­als are avai­la­ble upon request. Please feel free to sug­gest texts. 

The work­shop will take pla­ce from Monday 21 November to Friday 25 November at stu­dio Magnolia in GC Elzenhof, Kroonlaan 12, 1050 Ixelles.

Those who would like more info or want to par­ti­ci­pa­te may send an email to: kevin.​m.​fay@​gmail.​com