Schermafbeelding 2024 09 09 om 16 01 10

Vulcanize Me by Audrey Apers is programmed by FRINGE festival in Amsterdam!


This week, Vulcanize Me by Audrey Apers is playing at Fringe Festival in Amsterdam.

Vulcanize me is an absurd quest of two women trying to break free from a see­min­gly stuck situ­a­ti­on. They search for a sys­tem whe­re the­re is room to explo­de. A spa­ce whe­re bodies rebel, whe­re unta­ma­ble women, mother god­des­ses and biker babes rule. Their words can some­ti­mes be inco­he­rent and erra­tic. They refu­se to sur­ren­der to a pre­vai­ling mora­li­ty, which delights in going under or being swept away. Like litt­le cra­ters, they open up new possibilities…. 

An explo­si­ve the­a­tri­cal per­for­man­ce in which ras­ping vocals and expres­si­ve phy­si­ca­li­ty clash. 

12, 13, 14 and 15 September in De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL)
tic­kets: https://amsterdamfringefestiva…

In 2023, Audrey gra­du­a­ted the mas­ter in Theater direc­ti­on (RITCS) with Vulcanize Me. Currently, she’s wor­king on Under Your Spell, pro­du­ced by Kunstenwerkplaats. More on that soon, so stay tuned!