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Volksroom x Decoratelier - IT FOR NOW


24.04 — Good spa­ces never die !”

Simplified : the legen­da­ry artist-run-spa­ce Volksroom brings 4 per­for­man­ces by 6 per­for­mers.
* a sim­ple Monday but on a Wednesday
With Micha Goldberg, Helena Araujo, Loucka Fiagan, Luis Ramirez Munoz, Chiara Monteverde, Simon Van Schuylenbergh

26.04 — Same thing but make it more !”

Multiplied: the 4 same per­for­man­ces mul­ti­plied by 10 per­for­mers.
With Micha Goldberg, Helena Araújo, Loucka Fiagan, Luis Ramirez Muñoz, Chiara Monteverde, Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Marivi Gazeta, Rojda Gülizar Karakuş , Nathaniel Moore and Marco Labellarte

Tickets via Decoratalier.
*com­bi-tic­kets avai­la­ble (24+26)