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Try-out Castélie Yalombo during Dag van de dans


Try-out Water, l’at­terée des eaux vives (Castélie Yalombo)
April 23 @ KWP (in Pianofabriek) in the con­text of Dag van de dans (15h)

explo­res the under­ly­ing fric­ti­on of our per­cep­ti­ons of the raci­a­li­sed fema­le body. Crossing/​traversing a con­tinuum of forms, figu­res lin­ked to repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of Black History and her own ima­gi­nings of the Black body, the body of Water is a dang­ling, lost object, sus­pen­ded bet­ween how to be per­cei­ved’ and how to express one­self’.

After gra­du­a­ting from ISAC and wor­king as an inter­pre­ter for Louise Vanneste, Water, l’atterrée des eaux vives marks Castélie Yalombo’s debut as a cho­re­o­grap­her. It is an ode to ambigui­ty from a rising voi­ce in Belgian cho­re­o­grap­hy. The pie­ce will have its pre­mi­è­re at Kunstenfestivaldesarts: 15 – 20 May.

The try-out is free, but plea­se reser­ve your spot via kunstenwerkplaats@​pianofabriek.​be