Zijlijn noorwegen

Stijn Demeulenaere nominated for the Sound of the Year Awards


Stijn Demeulenaere’s instal­la­ti­on, Zijlijn / Linea Lateralis, has been nomi­na­ted for the Sound Of the Year awards, in the Composed with Sound” cate­go­ry. Zijlijn is a research into the under­wa­ter sounds­ca­pe of the North Sea. The murky water of the North Sea makes for very low visi­bi­li­ty, so many ani­mals depend on sound and smell to live and exist under­wa­ter. But the North Sea is also one of the busiest and the loudest seas in the world, making the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween man-made noi­se and natu­ral sound a very dif­fi­cult one. The instal­la­ti­on was com­mis­si­o­ned by Concertgebouw Brugge. You can see Zijlijn at the upco­ming Hear Here Festival. Other dates TBA.