Schermafbeelding 2024 06 20 om 13 00 39

Stijn Demeulenaere is invited for an artist talk by GLUON as part of their Leonardo LASER network!


In the series of talks orga­ni­sed as part of the Leonardo LASER Network, GLUON is hap­py to announ­ce the talk Environmental Justice for Non-Human Species”, by artist and researcher Dr Kat Austen and artist Stijn Demeulenaere.

The talk will take pla­ce on Tuesday 2nd of July 7pm at GLUON.
The talk will be livestrea­med via their web­si­te.

In recent years, the dis­cour­se around envi­ron­men­tal jus­ti­ce has grown to encom­pass the vast field of non-human spe­cies with whom human com­mu­ni­ties sha­re pla­net Earth. These spe­cies, from the smal­lest micro-orga­nis­ms to the lar­gest mam­mals, play vital roles in main­tai­ning eco­lo­gi­cal balan­ce and bio­di­ver­si­ty.

This expan­si­on sig­ni­fies an impor­tant shift in our – human — under­stan­ding of jus­ti­ce. We recog­ni­se that the well-being of our pla­net, and even the sur­vi­val of humans, is inhe­rent­ly tied to the health” all its inha­bi­tants. Like con­tem­po­ra­ry phi­lo­sop­her Timothy Morton puts this shift in per­spec­ti­ve by sta­ting: We are not living in a world of sepa­ra­ble things but in a mesh of inter­con­nec­ti­on.“

This para­digm shift encou­ra­ges us to see the inter­con­nec­ted­ness of all life on Earth, and of life we can­not see or per­cei­ve, and to make an effort for a more har­mo­nious coexis­ten­ce with the natu­ral world. It is through such efforts and nar­ra­ti­ves that we hope to address the cur­rent envi­ron­men­tal disas­ter and rest­less pro­li­fe­ra­ti­on of the human spe­cies on Earth. And – may­be – to redis­co­ver what humans have lost on their way into what today is cal­l­ed moder­ni­ty or the Anthropocene.

Moderator: Peter Friess
Speakers: Kat Austen & Stijn Demeulenaere
Chaired by Alexandra Dementieva
With the sup­port of Fédération Bruxelles Wallonie, cyland.lab and lasertalks

Picture by Kristof Vranken (Zijlijn / Linea Lateralis)