Palace of Justice I Sébastien Hendrickx presenting his new project at Plat(e)form(e) I 14.05


For seve­r­al months now, actor and the­a­tre-maker Sébastien Hendrickx has been wor­king on his new pro­ject Palace of Justice, inspi­red by the most bizar­re buil­ding in the world, once con­si­de­red the lar­gest: the Brussels Palace of Justice. This mon­ster of a buil­ding has 150 lifts, 1530 inte­ri­or doors, 2432 rooms, 473 cor­ri­dors and 1513 win­dows. The Palace has been in scaf­fol­ding for deca­des, and recent­ly ran out of toi­let paper. Rumour has it that some­whe­re in a base­ment cor­ri­dor the­re is a por­tal lea­ding to an under­ground city…

On 14 May, Hendrickx will pre­sent this pro­ject at Plat(e)form(e)’, the inter­na­ti­o­nal visi­tors’ pro­gram orga­ni­sed by Kunstenpunt during Kunstenfestivaldesarts. And later this month, on 28 May, he will talk about his ide­as at a col­lec­ti­ve mee­ting in a spe­ci­al pla­ce, name­ly the Salle des pas per­dus’, the overw­hel­ming cen­tral hall in the Palace of Justice itself.

The pre­mie­re of Palace of Justice is sche­du­led for autumn 2025.

© Sébastien Hendrickx