
OPEN CALL /I Artistic Commission - GC Nekkersdal


As part of the com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre (GC) Nekkersdal con­struc­ti­on pro­ject, the Flemish Community Commission (VGC) wis­hes to select an artist to rea­li­se an artis­tic com­mis­si­on. Read all about it here!

In the first pha­se, the KIO Core group offers artists the oppor­tu­ni­ty to send a con­ci­se res­pon­se no later than 15 April 2024, focu­sing on the ques­ti­ons below, which will deter­mi­ne the selection.

MOTIVATION: What is your moti­va­ti­on for taking on this com­mis­si­on?
SEMI: What is your per­spec­ti­ve on semi/­se­mi-public?
BRUSSELS: What affi­ni­ty do you have with an urban envi­ron­ment and with Brussels/​Laeken in par­ti­cu­lar?
EXPERIENCE: Do you have expe­rien­ce in the field of (per­ma­nent) artis­tic com­mis­si­ons? And what is your artis­tic appro­ach in open spaces?

Send your entry:
in Dutch.
max 1 A4 CV/​portfolio
no later than 15 April 2024
to kunsten@​vgc.​be
with the sub­ject: Open Call artis­tic com­mis­si­on — GC Nekkersdal

There is no fee for this submission.