'Nu är jag Medea': Khadija El Kharraz Alami in Sweden!


Khadija El Kharraz Alami star­ted the tour of Nu ben ik Medea’ in Sweden. In 2018, she won awards with her per­for­man­ce at Theater Aan Zee. Her per­so­nal retel­ling of Euripides’ tra­ge­dy has not esca­ped Riksteatern in Sweden either. Khadija is tou­ring the Swedish coun­try with the English-lan­gu­a­ge ver­si­on, Nu är jag Medea’. This week­end, she per­for­med at Sara Kulturhus!

Nu ben ik Medea’ is a per­so­nal retel­ling of Euripides’ tra­ge­dy, inter­wea­ving the sto­ry ofMedea with her own expe­rien­ces of gro­wing up bet­ween two worlds — and about the clash of for­ces within yourself. Alami explains how she has been sha­ped by the riches from the Western and Moroccan worlds: the many tra­di­ti­ons, dif­fe­ren­ces in cul­tu­re, mul­ti­lin­gu­a­lism, belie­ving or not belie­ving, music, food, free­dom… Until the­se riches col­li­de: she stands bet­ween them and tries with all her strength to hold onto both. So she grows up fur­ther, no lon­ger with, but bet­ween two worlds.