KWP opens its doors for P.A.R.T.S. graduation festival!


GRADUATION FESTIVAL MA STUDIOS, Brussels 23 May — 15 June 2024

In June 2024, 12 stu­dents from the 2‑year Master’s pro­gram STUDIOS will gra­du­a­te.

STUDIOS tar­gets young cho­re­o­grap­hers and per­for­man­ce makers and puts a two-year focus on devel­o­ping an inde­pen­dent artis­tic prac­ti­ce. During two years, they have fol­lo­wed a mutu­al path in which they have devel­o­ped their own research and cre­a­ti­on through a col­lec­ti­ve pro­gram of move­ment research, mas­ter­clas­ses in cho­re­o­grap­hy, self-direc­ted research, cross-cul­tu­ral exchan­ge in Ecole des Sables (Toubab Dialaw, Senegal) and the­o­re­ti­cal seminars.

The gra­du­a­ti­on works that con­clu­de this two-year tra­jec­to­ry will be pre­sen­ted at the Graduation Festival with Brussels part­ners Kaaistudios, Kunstenwerkplaats in Pianofabriek and WIELS, bet­ween May 23rd and June 15th, 2024.

The STUDIOS par­ti­ci­pants are:
Adem Ouhaibia, Ching Shu Huang, Géraldine Haas, Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek, Jair Jetzehu Montes Rangel, Judith Dhondt, Marikki Nyfors, Marlla Araújo, Mira Maria Studer, Osamu Shikichi, Rania Barhoumi, Urtė Groblytė.

Discover their full pro­gram!

Tickets via www​.parts​.be & www​.kaai​the​a​ter​.be
The pro­gram con­sists of seve­r­al dou­ble bills
Pay what you can.

Residency part­ners: BRONKS the­a­ter voor jong publiek, CAMPO, @Destelheide Centrum voor Jeugd, Kunst en Creatie, De Markten Brussel, Field Works, Les Brigittines — Playhouse for Movement, Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre, PAF Reims, @STUK — House for Dance, Image & Sound, Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez

Artwork Joram De Cocker