01 LAKE LIFE Kate Mc Intosh c Dari Gatti black background

Kate McIntosh is looking for a TEST AUDIENCE, young & old are welcome!


Kate McIntosh is making a new per­for­man­ce cal­l­ed Lake Life… and she needs your help!

This call is for mixed age audien­ces — both adults and young peo­p­le aged 10+ years. 

Lake Life is an inter­ac­ti­ve lands­ca­pe – no per­for­mers, just the audien­ce trying out games, encoun­ters and tas­ks together. To devel­op the­se games, we need to expe­ri­ment them with curious test audien­ces, young and old. Find out more about Lake life.

We invi­te you to join in the stu­dio for a cou­ple of hours – we’ll play out some ide­as together, and ask what you think about it. It will be fun… and it’s free…
Please join! Pass the invita­ti­on to friends! 

Adults — come alo­ne, or if you know peo­p­le aged 10+ then come together as a team. Young peo­p­le also wel­co­me alone. 

It will hap­pen here: 

Kunstenwerk­plaats KWP

Rue du Fortstraat 35, 1060 St Gillis/​Gilles, Brussels. 

You can join on the­se dates: 

Friday 14 April, 14:00 – 16:00 (English & Dutch)

Wednesday 19 April, 14:00 – 16:00 (English & Dutch)

Saturday 22 April, 14:00 – 16:00 (English & Dutch)

Please let us know when you are coming by sig­ning up here: https://​form​.jot​form​.com/​23053

If you have ques­ti­ons (or need to can­cel) plea­se con­tact us at: lakelife.​testaudience123@​gmail.​com

Lake Life begins from the sto­ry of the Changelings — an alien spe­cies who can wil­ful­ly trans­form into any ani­mal, plant or mine­ral. Changelings have a name for spe­cies that don’t sha­pes­hift : Solids. Probably they belie­ve we are Solids… but are we?