22.08: Jonathan Franz & Audrey showing their newest performance (work-in-progress)
22.08 — 17u
Kunstenwerkplaats, zaal Elsenor
This afternoon, Jonathan Franz en Audrey Apers organise a showcase of their newest performance TROAST.
Akt II.
children who are using
their intellectual power
to mirror each others’
deconstructed selves,
jerking me off virtually,
dressing me up digitally
in sexy-sexless, unisex
or ungendered unigender
sex clothes…
children who are using
their imagination
to make communication
faster than politics
non verbal communication
non violent communication
visual vocabulary
visceral vocabulary
very oral and immoral
what’s your art?
children who are using
their consumer power
to change each others
reconstructed selves,
I am anti-realism
I prefer materialism
some might call me exhibitionist
but I am essentialist
essentially a feminist
children who are using
technological power…
children who are using
their sexual power…