1587721838 oona libens

Oona Libens

The work of Oona Libens (Belgium/​Sweden) revol­ves around media-arche­o­lo­gy and the his­to­ry of the (moving) ima­ge. Light and sha­dow is her medi­um whe­ther it is used in per­for­ma­ti­ve work or in two or three dimen­si­o­nal objects. In her inti­ma­te per­for­man­ces Oona Libens devel­ops a dis­tinct­ly craf­ted uni­ver­se, whi­le cre­a­ting a dia­lo­gue bet­ween his­to­ric and recent media phe­no­me­na — from sha­dow the­a­tre as the most pri­mi­ti­ve form of moving ima­ge, over the magic lan­tern, the com­pu­ter or TV-screen, to today’s expres­si­ons in the digi­tal realm. In her per­for­man­ces she tries to expand our expe­rien­ce of the ima­ge and the screen, to cre­a­te an ana­lo­gue vir­tu­al rea­li­ty and to make an enter­tain­ment machi­ne that is slow, hesi­ta­tes, fal­ters and fails.

Oona Libens first stu­died music in Sweden befo­re gra­du­a­ting from the School of Arts (KASK) in Ghent in 2012. Since then she has made a series of poe­tic-sci­en­ti­fic per­for­man­ces about the uni­ver­se, the sea, time and the body.