Schermafbeelding 2025 01 07 om 14 05 57

KIN collective

KIN col­lec­ti­ve con­sists of five artists: Kenneth Cardon, Lois Lumonga Brochez, Daantje Idelenburg, Sara Lâm, and Milan Vandierendonck. None of us fit into a sin­gle box. We are actors, wri­ters, illu­stra­tors, per­for­mers, ora­cles in the making, film­ma­kers, and so much more.

We cre­a­te art from our int­ui­ti­on and our often under­re­pre­sen­ted per­spec­ti­ves. Additionally, we devel­op tools to work inclu­si­ve­ly. We are sen­si­ti­ve, spi­ri­tu­al, play­ful cre­a­tors and each other’s best friends. Love for one ano­ther comes first, which intertwi­nes our work with care. We see our­sel­ves as human beings first and artists second, belie­ving this is the only way we can cre­a­te strong and mea­ning­ful art.
