
Emmilou Rössling

Emmilou Rößling is an artist wor­king at the inter­sec­ti­on of cho­re­o­grap­hy and visu­al arts. Her work evol­ves around ques­ti­ons con­cerning repre­sen­ta­ti­on and per­cep­ti­on often stri­ving towards dif­fe­rent forms of camou­fla­ge. Recent pie­ces inclu­de THE FRATERNITY (2020), FLUFF (2019), WATER COOLER CHAT (2018) and CASCADE (2017), pre­sen­ted in dif­fe­rent con­texts like Judson Church New York, Kunstverein Moabit, Sophiensaele Berlin, Impulstanz Festival Vienna, Arsenic Lausanne, Beursschouwburg Brussels, Mousonturm FFM, Uferstudios Berlin and Frankfurter Kunstverein. She stu­died dan­ce and cho­re­o­grap­hy in Gießen and Amsterdam, and is cur­rent­ly stu­dying at the Städelschule in Frankfurt.